An Interview with Exchange Students

Kittyand others.jpg

(Kitty was standing in the middle, with Lynsey on the left and Anderas on the right of the photo. Anderas was cracking a joke while being taken the picture. That was why they wore broad smiles on the face. Lynsey and Anderas were foreign exchange students in Da-tong Senior High School from the year 2004 to 2005, spending two semesters entirely studying with their classmates in a Physical Education Class. They were industrious and friendly and have associated a lot of good friends on campus.)

Do you have any experience talking with

foreign exchange students about their life in Taiwan?

Now let’s listen to the broadcast in which Stephy, as a student DJ, hosted the show, interviewing two exchange students, Lynsey and Anderas, in Ta-tong Senior High School. Let’s listen to our foreign exchange students sharing their cultural impact in Taiwan.


Content of the broadcast by Stephy May 20, 2005interviewforeigners.doc


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